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Time Management Tips I Swear By

For as long as I can remember, I have constantly kept myself busy. I was always the type of girl who immersed herself in every extracurricular back in high school or successfully balanced my school work while trying to maintain a social life in college. However, it wasn’t until post-grad when I realized the importance of time management. Whether it was moving to a new city, handling graduate school workload, waking up at three in the morning to work in the newsroom, or taking time to manage my blog. I couldn’t help but notice that I was letting go of my mental and physical health. So, I had a come to Jesus moment. In which, I sat down to prioritize my daily routine to make myself less overwhelmed and bottom line happier. Therefore, here are some time management tips, that I hope you use when you feel like you have taken on too much!

Avoid Over-Committing
I am indeed the queen of over-committing since I have a hard time saying no. Therefore, my schedule tends to fill up with commitments and tasks I’ve agreed to complete. So, I would highly recommend purchasing a planner or downloading a calendar application on your phone. This technique will allow you to keep track of all of your obligations and know when your schedule is too chock-full to continue planning. Lastly, always remember that you would rather do one thing to your full potential than ten things at a mediocre level. Looking to find a new planner to keep track of your hectic schedule? Well, I got the perfect one for a busy bee!

Simplified Planner         Kate Spade         Lilly Pulitzer 

Use Your Downtime
I typically struggle with this technique. I wake up at three in the morning every single day to work in the newsroom. Therefore, with my downtime, I usually want to nap! Although, with my crazy graduate school workload or the gym calling my name, I don’t have time for myself. With that being said, I want to stress the importance of downtown and listening to your body. Sleep if you are tired, work if you’re on deadline, and workout to keep up with your psychical health. Lately, I have been slacking at the gym, lacking sleep, and having anxiety. However, once I started listening to my body, I quickly noticed my day getting more productive.

Reward Yourself

When you accomplish something, celebrate it! How you celebrate is up to you. However, I would recommend something healthy like taking an hour break for the gym, eat something yummy, or spend time with friends. Although, still keep track of time and don’t let this fun activity cause you more stress. Find what works for you and stick to it!

Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is a trap that several of us fall into. In fact, experts say that 95 percent of us procrastinate to some degree. Many people get laziness and procrastination confused. Meanwhile, procrastination is actually a choice, where you are actively deciding not to do a task. The first step to solving this problem is recognizing that you’re doing it. Next, ask a friend to check up on you, minimize distractions, and most importantly put your cellphone out of reach.


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